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The Uniform Edit love featuring uniforms, even those that aren’t our clients. We frequently produce custom work uniforms for agencies, promotional companies and other fashion brands. One long-standing member of Our Tribe who does designer uniforms for other reputable brands recently asked us to help them out with the production for their client – a well-known car dealership empire. With three Brisbane locations, it requires a lot of staff to manage this automotive dealership operation. Big brands need to keep their branding on point. Most car dealerships have a uniform, and uniforms will always need an update at some stage. So, they came to us to help them manufacture an outstanding custom work uniform.

This dealership brand is always proactive at staying in the buyers-market spotlight. They are reputable for their fantastic customer service and a strong team that represents them is the key to their success. They sought out a specialised designer uniform wardrobe for their team to wear proudly every day. The collection is remarkable. So impressive in fact, our resident models were eager to showcase them in our studio.

Audrey and Steve had a little fun modelling the collection. As you can see, all elements of the uniform wardrobe tie in nicely through the colour and texture to communicate their branding in true designer label style.

Steve looks pretty damn fine in their work shirt design made up of small purple gingham check featuring a navy contrast in the collar, cuff and button placket. He can create a few different looks depending on how he wants to wear the shirt. Worn with navy wool-blend trousers sets off the contrast nicely.

Audrey always has many more to walk down the runway with. The custom shirt she’s wearing is in a purple houndstooth weave fabric with a purple stripe contrast. Audrey’s favourite is the shirt dress option, which also has the same stripe contrast tying the look in together when the women are wearing the various uniform looks. The three-quarter shirt dress is in the solid classic navy to match the men’s navy shirt contrast.

Another option for Audrey is the soft flowing blouse collection – in purple of course. The range includes the popular round neck sleeveless blouse, and the mandarin collar in long sleeve, three-quarter, or short sleeve. To match with Steve in her two piece uniform, Audrey wars the navy wool blend skirt in the A-Line or straight skirt styles.

Together Audrey and Steve vibe well together in their purple and navy colour palette collection. They will only ever wear uniforms with true style. We are proud of our client’s design for this iconic automotive brand.



If you’re looking to create your own custom fabric design to rock across your team’s uniform wardrobe, contact us for your free consultation.
