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Audrey and Steve had a large-scale work event and took some time out from the studio to attend this colourful work occasion. They were extremely excited about their event uniform, which was all hot pink with Hawaiian style shirts! They were required to stand out while matching the theme of the event to be highly recognisable by guests.

What better way to stand out than in a high quality all hot pink suit with bold shirts Hawaiian style! The hosts of this party were not to be missed. Audrey and Steve always love to be in the limelight – clearly why they were so suitable for the job! Here’s what they wore. . .

The Look

The custom bold print is a Hawaiian inspired print in our poly-cotton blend shirt fabric. The shirts are short sleeve, which they both wore with the cuffs flipped back. This tailored statement shirt is teamed with our famous quality sateen-weave cotton chino pants that come in a flattering cut for both men and women. Our modern slim leg chinos are super comfortable with a 3% stretch component in the fabric.

To complete this event uniform, there was also a matching hot pink cotton jacket to switch up their look and give them that formal edge. Our sateen weave cotton has a beautiful lustre-finish that feels amazing to wear on the skin. This fully lined 2-button jacket is designed to be fitted at the waist with a low button front, single back vent and two outside hip pockets.

An Event Uniform Perfect for a Social Environment

High-quality standout event uniforms are becoming more popular with the ROI and impact on their branding making them worthwhile for many companies. T-Shirts will usually always be the most common form of uniform for events, but if the experience is a little more up-scale to support a reputable brand, quality event uniforms like these are worth the investment. This hot pink statement look is the perfect social work environment uniform that is both fun and professional. Audrey and Steve loved working the floor in this comfortable and fashionable number. One they will never forget.

