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Waking up each morning to go to work really is an event to look forward to these days. Especially after being out of a job or working from home every day through most of 2020. The idea of heading to the office is a novelty worth dressing for the occasion. Your selection of clothing for work should make you feel good and boost your confidence. As the weather heats up and life is returning back to normal, keeping cool is imperative to lifting your mood on the way to the workplace. Here are our favourite clothing picks to beat the heat in style for work this Summer.

Short Sleeve Cotton Business Shirts

Business shirts will always be the highest format of professional clothing, and a safe fashion choice for any work scenario. While most airconditioned offices make it easy to wear a long sleeve collared shirt, the journey to the office is the time we need to keep comfortable and remain upbeat on the way to work. Kick-starting our day in comfort is a great way to enhance our mood and productivity. There is nothing worse than sweating it up in our crisp business shirt before your arrival to work. The solution? Short sleeve shirts.

Short sleeve shirts have always been popular for women, but for men there was a “daggy” stigma attached to it or it seemed too casual. Short sleeve shirt fashion has evolved over the past few years. They are almost essential for the Australian warmer climates and a great alternative to the long sleeve shirt or polo shirt. But a fashionable short sleeve shirt must be quality designed in cotton fabric. Shorter style collars, or a button-down collar. Perhaps lose the pocket, flip back the cuff, and for a business setting it should ideally be tucked in.

Business Blouses

Blouses are a girl’s best friend. If you want to keep femininity in your work style, blouses provide the soft silhouette from the chiffon fabric draped over the body. The movement in the fabric keeps the body cool and there are many sleeveless blouse options practical for summer. They are easy-care items and match perfectly with either a skirt or pair of trousers. With so many styles available to cater to all types of body shapes, blouses are great for layering under that cotton blazer or lightweight knit.

At The Uniform Edit our blouses also come in an amazing range of colours. There is nothing like a bit of colour to boost the vibe in the office!

Chinos and Shorts

Cotton chinos have always been a great go-to piece for men in the warmer months. Fabrics made from natural fibers on the bottom half always provide more comfort because they are breathable. What’s even better are corporate attire appropriate shorts made from the same cotton. Chino shorts are becoming much more popular and go great with short sleeve shirts or a polo. But the length needs to be right since they tend to look too casual without enough length. The best versatile colours for summer are the lighter options in grey or sand/brown. Our custom chino shorts also come in a wide variety of bold hues to satisfy your colour craze.

Corporate Dresses

Corporate dresses provide the ultimate comfort, especially during the heat. The best part is, they give women a sense of getting “dressed up“ for work more than any other corporate clothing item. Our dresses come in a short cap sleeve or sleeveless, which is what most women really want in the summer! Then there are our shirt dresses. They are one of our best sellers and come in the same natural fabrics and fits as our famous corporate shirts with the added comfort of being made with a slight stretch for better movement. Shirt dresses also feature large pockets for your convenience. Not to mention they look super cool!

Corporate Polo Shirts

Always a summertime fave! They come in many styles, many colours, and our customisable polo shirts are made from the traditional pure pique cotton or a soft mercerised 100% cotton. The Uniform Edit also have a wide range of ready to wear polos made from modern, anti-sweat and breathable fabrics designed to keep you cool.

There are plenty of fashionable corporate clothing options for work when the temperature rises. Whether you are making it part of your summertime work wardrobe or looking to create a new uniform look for the team to dress comfortably during the warmer months, the items listed above are great wardrobe staples to get you through summer.
