We are proud to have dressed many different clients across a wide range of industries throughout Australia, from hospitality to large scale corporates and everything in between. We get genuinely excited every time we welcome a new client to our tribe.


In an increasingly competitive market, the hospitality industry is really upping its game when it comes to team branding. And with most of their team members customer facing, the investment this industry is making in staff branding is incredibly important. We have worked with many hospitality brands to create some amazing looks.

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With so many touch points with staff, from check-in and concierge, to restaurants and cafes, cleaners and valets, uniforms are a key element of a hotel’s brand. As their interaction with the brand is extensive, lasting days or even weeks, each touch point contributes to the overall story in the customer’s mind. We help to ensure that story is a good one, and it’s an area in which we’ve become highly skilled – looking at the brand holistically and creating a consistent look, while catering to the needs of staff in varied roles.

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General Corporate

The corporate arena is challenging, as corporate fashion evolves constantly. What is appropriate for women and men, when is a suit and tie required? Corporate fashion is becoming more social, less about what to wear and more about what looks work in different settings and situations. We’ve worked with corporate clients in construction, property, mining, professional services, manufacturing and more.

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Now here’s an industry that understands the importance of a strong brand. Consumers aren’t just buying a car, they’re buying into the emotion of the brand and how it makes them feel, and that feeling must be cemented when they come face to face with sales and service staff.

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The retail industry has seen enormous change with the introduction of online shopping. How do you get people to shop in a physical store? It all comes down to service, and uniforms and branding are an essential element of that service. With customers shopping around, memorable experiences and building loyalty are so important. Brand consistency is a major factor and a team in uniform can have a really positive impact.

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Few businesses operate without a branded uniform in the health arena. It’s crucial for brand recognition and for helping people to identify the roles of various staff members. How is this industry tackling company uniforms, and how do they create a uniform brand that sets them apart? We have had tremendous success working with small health businesses to create a look for their teams.

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