Putting your employees in a suit is the ultimate way to express the quality of your service to your clientele. But is it as easy as telling your workers to wear a suit? The benefits of a corporate uniform are paramount to a successful branding scheme. If you choose suiting uniforms, there are a few things to consider when creating your workwear. Here is a quick guide on how to make the most out your custom uniform.

Consider Variety

 One negative aspect of a suiting uniform is the need for it to be dry cleaned. This takes time and energy for the employee. This is why it is wise to create a uniform wardrobe rather than require the same singular 3 piece suit from every member of staff. If the collection is cleverly constructed, employees can still express their personal sense of fashion within company dress code guidelines.  Many corporate environments are adopting this kind of uniform since it makes it much easier from an HR and management level to maintain staff presentation.


Consider Comfort

 When it comes to suiting uniforms, there is never a case of on-size or one-style fits all. It is important to customise your suiting uniforms based on individual needs. You should have your employees fitted before you spend money on a corporate suiting uniform. Poorly fitted suits will significantly hurt your brand image and will see high-end uniforms go to waste. It may require more effort, but getting tailored uniforms will make your employees look sharper, unified and more professional.

Consider Consistency

 When constructing guidelines for your uniform collection, consider how you want to create a sense of unity among your employees. This can be achieved through a common colour scheme, common accessories (e.g ties), or even a company business shirt.

We recommend consistency between men’s and women’s uniforms, so opt for the pants suit style over a pencil skirt for women.

As a general rule, neutral colours are the most flexible because they will look good on every employee. However, having a neutral base with splashes of more vibrant colours can really make your suit stand out. Every business person owns a navy suit. Think about how you can be different.

Here are three great tips on how to end up with the right suit:

  • Have a Modern Cut – The modern fit suit is our go-to for all men. It works for a wide range of body shapes while offering a sleek overall style. Jacket shoulders are often softened to give a seamless look into the sleeve. Sleeves are often cut higher which gives the impression of a more upright posture. Trousers are also designed to streamline the body shape, giving a slim look to a majority of men.
  • The Single-Breasted Jacket – More versatile, more elegant, more slimming; the single-breasted jacket offers a range of benefits to your corporate uniform wardrobe. No matter the degree of formality, the single-breasted jacket fits perfectly.
  • If in doubt, stick to the classics – In a world of ever-changing fashion trends, it can be a bold move to remain consistent with the classic suit fit. Offering a generous cut around the chest, it is less restrictive than the modern cuts and will give your employees an air of wisdom and professionalism.