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There three things that are certain in life. As Benjamin Franklin put it – death, taxes and change. Change is always happening. For business, keeping up with change is essential for survival.  For The Uniform Edit, helping other businesses adapt to change is a big part of what we do.

Long gone are the days of the corporate uniform being put into the “boring” box that they wouldn’t even give a second thought to. Now, a uniform is almost as necessary as technology in order to perform at their best. In addition, people can now be motivated to work for a company because they love their corporate uniform design. It’s almost safe to say that uniforms are now in fashion.

Corporate uniforms are the future of business wear fashion

A study for Cargo Crew conducted by YouGov Galaxy Australia shows that 50% of the population wear a uniform. Included in this group are even those in higher management roles earning over 100K. With only 1% said they wouldn’t take a job if it meant wearing a uniform – the anti-uniform types are now a minority.

From a business perspective, it seems uniforms a no brainer. It keeps the dress code under control, they’re more easily identifiable by customers, and overall present as much more professional.  The corporate uniform has come a long way. Once upon a time they were only used by hospitality brands. Now they are a crucial part of many businesses branding strategies. With designer labels branching out in the corporate uniform industry, and the big players in the corporate uniform services offering so many more products all up to date with the latest in corporate fashion trends. Some are even taking it a step further with complete custom designed uniforms unique in every sense to the company modelling them.

Uniforms in schools has proven to maintain equality amoung children to minimise the effects of socio-economic differences, and the distraction that fashion can have on learning. This is the same with uniforms for staff with contrasting style and other characteristics they would otherwise be discriminated against.

Make your pack stand out from the other packs

Establishments are now being noticed for their ultra-stylish and quality uniforms. Air travel and sports teams are iconic for their head turning work wear. Staff are now proud to wear a uniform by their favourite uniform company. Businesses now make uniforms a non-negotiable element as part of their marketing plan to boost their brand and ultimately support in making it iconic.

There is also the concept of capsule wardrobes for the inspiration behind a corporate uniform with some workplaces taking on a cohesively designed business wardrobe to match their brand without the logo. Staff can simply mix and match items in their collection as they please. So, what’s your first thought when you hear the words corporate uniform? Would work life in a stylish uniform be better for you?


