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Corporate Uniform is an ever-changing category of fashion. The changes in corporate uniform standards and trends over the past twenty years alone have been remarkable. The Uniform Edit prides itself on being ahead of the game. We work hard to make sure we know the world of the corporate uniform inside out. Today, we share with you three major ways that the corporate uniform has changed before our very eyes.

1. Casual

In the 1980’s, the corporate uniform revolution begun. Before this point, the corporate uniform was supposed to be the epitome of formality. Corporate uniforms for men was most often a formal suit and tie, in company colours. For women, smart dresses were finished off by stockings, court shoes, blazers, neck scarves and often jewellery to match. Polished and highly professional were requirements for the corporate uniform. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, a bit of casual personality began to appear in corporate uniforms. Tie-less uniforms became a trend and the polo-shirt marched onto the scene. For women, corporate uniform no longer just meant formal dresses. Trousers and skirts became viable corporate uniform options. However, it wasn’t until the new millennia that casual corporate uniform really took off. Increasingly, casual comfort is prioritised in corporate uniform. This has made the aesthetics of the corporate world feel more accessible and less intimidating. Today, chinos are more common than suit trousers. Different fabrics, such as linen and cotton are increasingly popular in this casual corporate uniform trend. Here at The Uniform Edit, we have embraced the increasingly casual face of a corporate uniform. We offer a diverse range of corporate uniforms to suit every business and every dress-code.

2. Unisex

Traditionally, the corporate uniform was distinctively gendered. Male and female employees had to dress in almost completely different styles of a corporate uniform. Women were expected to look obviously feminine. However, it became apparent that strictly gendered corporate uniform wasn’t the most practical choice for many businesses. Corporate uniform dresses and skirts with dainty accessories do not lend themselves to many occupations. Nowadays corporate uniform is commonly unisex. Trousers and shirts which are tailored to suit men and women distinctively is a corporate uniform which is both unified and flattering. The Uniform Edit offers corporate uniforms which are both gendered and unisex, there’s an option for everyone!

3. Distinctive

Corporate uniforms used to be about blending in and now it is about standing out from the crowd! While the corporate uniform is still an important way to unify a brand and create a collective image, there is a much heavier emphasis on distinctiveness than previously. These days, corporate uniforms are an important marketing tool. That’s why a distinctive and memorable uniform is a wise move for many businesses. Over the years, bold colours and interesting designs have become popular elements in corporate uniform trends. The Uniform Edit are experts in distinctive corporate uniforms! We can make sure you have a corporate uniform which is remembered by every client and competitor.

As The Corporate Uniform Changes, So Do We!

The Uniform Edit is a modern corporate uniform supplier. That’s why we are adaptable. We follow corporate uniform trends and studies, making sure we know what works. As the face of  the corporate uniform sector continues to change, we will change with it. We retain the best of the corporate uniform history while embracing the exciting future of uniforms too. We want you to come along for the journey!
