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Company branding is a big deal. There are experts who dedicate their lives to helping businesses get this right. Business owners invest a lot of time, thought and money into company branding. Uniforms and company branding go hand-in-hand. Uniforms and company branding are part of the same parcel, uniforms are one important aspect of company branding. Today, share with you three big ideas to remember when considering uniforms and company branding. 

The Three C’s: 

#1 Consistency 

One of the keys of successful strategy regarding uniforms and company branding is consistency. Consistency means stability and regularity in the vision of both uniforms and company branding. There are some key questions you can ask yourself to make sure that you are being consistent: 

  • Are the colours I use in my uniforms and company branding within the same palette? 
  • Do I have clear inspiration behind my uniforms and company branding? 
  • Am I using the same version of my logo and company name throughout my uniforms and company branding? 
  • Are my values and vision expressed through similar aesthetics throughout my uniforms and company branding? 

The best way to make sure there is consistency between your uniforms and company branding is by investing in custom uniforms. Here at The Uniform Edit, we are experts in alleging your uniforms and company branding. 

  #2 Creativity 

Another important element to uniforms and company branding is creativity. Uniforms and company branding must be unique and creative in order to attract interest. Bulk buy uniforms and quick-fix branding strategies do not result in creativity. Avoid banality and blandness by making sure your uniforms and company branding are full of originality and personality. The Uniform Edit can help. To make sure your uniforms and company branding are the very best they can be, go custom! Here are some questions to keep in mind when considering creativity: 

  • Do my uniforms and company branding reflect my original ideas or are they copied from brands around me? 
  • Are my colours and design elements used in innovative ways which reflect modern style? 
  • Do my uniforms and company branding feel engaging, exciting and dynamic? 
#3 Cultivation 

The third rule of uniforms and company branding is all about cultivation. Excellent uniforms and company branding require hard work. Businesses must be willing to cultivate the culture which aligns with the aspirations expressed in their uniforms and company branding. Providing dress-codes and PR training for employees are just some of the many ways to cultivate the good work started by custom uniforms and company branding. Here are some things to consider when thinking about cultivating uniforms and company branding: 

  • Do my employees know the values and vision of my brand? 
  • Does the culture of my business align with the values expressed in my uniforms and company branding? 
  • Do my employees feel confident wearing their uniform? Are they equipped to accessorise and dress professionally? 

Uniforms and company branding can be complicated, but they don’t have to be. Keep the big three C’s in mind – consistency, creativity and cultivation. You’ll be on your way to custom uniform and company branding success! 
